Vol. 24 No. 2 (2023)

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We present, in this opportunity, the result of an editorial work committed to the development of our journal, which is reflected in the continuous effort to improve each of the stages of the editorial process, as well as with the objective of internationalization that we have set ourselves.

We would also like to point out that several of the studies included in this issue are the result of the plan to promote and create a research culture in which the Research Unit, the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Economic Engineering, Statistics and Social Sciences of the University of Engineering and the entire team responsible for the journal are engaged.

Thus, we have the contributions of national researchers such as Noemi Lima and William Sanchez, the research led by Edgardo Figueroa and Magen Infante Rojas, which connect us with the national reality and highlight a key segment for national development.

We also include the work of Dr. Marco A. Alves, from the Federal University of Cariri, Brazil, Dr. Roberto Vila, from the University of Brasilia, and the study by Jens Eggert, from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, United States.

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Published: 2024-02-02

Research Articles