About the Journal

IECOS Journal is an open access journal that is published biannually, aimed at presenting original and high-quality scientific articles to the academic, scientific and industrial community in the areas of economics, statistics and social sciences. The journal is indexed in LATINDEX and CROSSREF.

e-ISSN: 2788-7480

ISSN: 2961-2845


Call For Papers - Convocatoria de artículos y ponencias

Call for Papers:
II Conference on Economics, Applied Statistics and Social Science
Lima-Peru, 25-27 September 2024.

The Faculty of Engineering Economics, Statistics and Social Science (FIEECS) cordially invites you to submit manuscripts for a special issue on Economics and Applied Statistics in the IECOS: Journal of Economics, Applied Statistics and Social Science. This special issue is launched in conjunction with the II Conference on Economics, Applied Statistics and Social Science. The IECOS: Journal of Economics, Applied Statistics and Social Science is sponsored by the FIEECS of the National University of Engineering.

Read more about Call For Papers - Convocatoria de artículos y ponencias

Current Issue

Vol. 25 No. 1 (2024)
					View Vol. 25 No. 1 (2024)
Published: 2024-03-24
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