Vol. 23 No. 1 (2022)


In the journal of Economic and Social Research - IECOS, Number 23, we are encouraged the mission of evaluating the causes that impede social development, proposing alternatives and form the critical mass that promotes the strengthening of the economy, the stability politics, the cultural rise and the sustainability of the environment.
In this issue we present research articles that address various topics including economy and finance, economy and environment, aspects of education and technology, social sciences, among others. The articles include an approach from three perspectives on economic cycles in Peru written by Alfredo Erquizio; the technical proposal of the "Value at Risk" (VaR) in the structural interest risk of Abel García, an "Illustration of econometric techniques" by José Salinas, the discourse reflection of Sergio Cuentas on the nature and raison d'être of Engineering Economic in light of the ideas of Luis Felipe de las Casas and Héctor Gallegos. So
same, an analysis of the compensation mechanism for ecosystem services for the case of water, prepared by Roger Loyola, as well as an evaluation of the virtual education for the case of mathematics in the article by Claudia Sugimaru and Carla Glave, and also a reading about the attention to the victims of sexual exploitation in the text of Barrantes, Alencastre, Salazar and Farfán.

Published: 2022-11-11