Peru's economic growth (2006-2010): precarious competitiveness with sustainability risks


  • Alfredo Pezo Paredes National University of Engineering, Lima, Peru



Competitiveness , primary exports , productive diversification


A comparative analysis of the proposals presented by Michael Porter on Peru's economic situation, President Alan García's message to the nation in July 2008, as well as the study presented by CE PAL for the 2009-201 O period, CEPLAN's point of view in its Strategic Plan for National Development, among others, allows us to understand that our growth continues to be based on an export boom that could turn into an “export illusion”, a risk that leads to certain recommendations such as the need to diversify the productive structure, establish clusters and develop aggressive technological innovation processes.


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CEPAL. (2010). Estudio Económico de América Latina y el Caribe: 2009-2010. Santiago de Chile.

CEPLAN. (2010). Plan Perú 2021: Plan Estratégico de Desarrollo Nacional. Lima, CEPLAN.

Foro Económico Mundial. (2010). Informe de competitividad global 2009-2010.

García Pérez, A. (2010, 28 de julio). Mensaje a la Nación: "Es la hora del Perú ante el mundo".

ONUDI. (2002). Informe sobre el Desarrollo Industrial correspondiente a 2002/2003: Competir mediante la innovación y el aprendizaje.

ONUDI. (2010). Informe sobre el Desarrollo Industrial 2009: Integración y ascenso en la economía global: Los nuevos retos industriales para los países más pobres y los países de ingresos medios.

Porter, M. (2010). "Claves de una estrategia competitiva". En seminario internacional organizado por la Universidad del Pacífico e Interbank.



How to Cite

Pezo Paredes, A. (2010). Peru’s economic growth (2006-2010): precarious competitiveness with sustainability risks. Revista IECOS, 10, 5–30.



Research Articles