Editorial: Conjuncture and reflection on the role of institutions


  • Julio Gamero Requena National University of Engineering, Lima, Peru




situation, reflection, policies


Brazil's participation and influence in Latin American integration and in the synchronization of the economic cycle is studied in another section. Also of particular relevance is the analysis of the PISA test in the country, addressing the various factors behind school performance. Little has been studied about the financial crisis and the handicraft sector. In this regard, the article referred to presents a vision that combines the internal impacts and from specific settlements in this sector. A reflection, based on the author's experience, on the relevance of the sample size is added to the referred texts. Finally, our guest discusses a topic that has not ceased to be common in the region's policies: the effects of lower labor costs on employment.


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Atoche Murrieta, K. L., & Ramos Rojas, R. (2013). Integración Latinoamericana y Sincronización de Ciclos económicos: El papel de Brasil en la Integración. Revista IECOS, 14, 19–41. https://doi.org/10.21754/iecos.v14i0.1189

Carrasco Gutierrez, G. (2013). Medición de las variables latentes: capital social, cultural y económico en los datos de PISA del Perú. Revista IECOS, 14, 42–63. https://doi.org/10.21754/iecos.v14i0.1192

Colonia Barrenechea, H., Aguirre Gutierrez, J., & Núñez Mucha, J. (2013). Cuestionando los Mitos: El rol de las Instituciones sobre la "Maldición de los Recursos Naturales". Revista IECOS, 14, 3–18. https://doi.org/10.21754/iecos.v14i0.1190

Farné, S. (2013). La experiencia de Colombia en reducciones de las cotizaciones en la Seguridad Social y sus efectos en el empleo. Revista IECOS, 14, 106–143. https://doi.org/10.21754/iecos.v14i0.1195

León Robles, W. (2013). Crisis financiera y sus efectos en el sector artesanal de Lima Metropolitana. Revista IECOS, 14, 64–96. https://doi.org/10.21754/iecos.v14i0.1193

Valderrama Torres, J. (2013). Tamaño de muestra para identificar el impacto en una regresión discontinua. Revista IECOS, 14, 97–105. https://doi.org/10.21754/iecos.v14i0.1194



How to Cite

Gamero Requena, J. (2013). Editorial: Conjuncture and reflection on the role of institutions. Revista IECOS, 14, 1–2. https://doi.org/10.21754/iecos.v14i0.1191


