University campus and Prehispanic heritage. Drawing the heritage imaginaries of the UNI huacas




prehispanic built heritage, university campus, heritage values


The issue of pre-Hispanic heritage is related to the city and its physical and historical relations, however,
the social implications are not openly manifested in scientific texts. The objective of this article
is to understand the subjects' view of the pre-Hispanic heritage of the National Engineering University
campus. This research focuses not only on their own experiences, but also on reflections on
other university campuses that have prehispanic heritage in Lima, and what is the impact of this on
their social, cultural and educational dynamics, and thus raise the possibility of including the heritage
as a key piece in the new vision of university and learning.


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Author Biography

Luciana Ausejo Calmet, National University of Engineering (Peru)

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How to Cite

Ausejo Calmet, L. (2019). University campus and Prehispanic heritage. Drawing the heritage imaginaries of the UNI huacas. Devenir - Journal of Studies on Built Heritage, 6(12), 155–178.

