Call for reviewers

The TECNIA magazine (indexed in SCIELO) summons young Latin American researchers to participate as reviewers of our journal. The minimum requirements to be a reviewer are the following:

Have published at least one (01) article in their area of ​​expertise.

Have the degree of teacher or its academic analog in the country in which it is developed. having you as a reviewer, which

Likewise, we strongly suggest having reviewed the self-learning course "Responsible conduct in research".

Having scientific journals as a reviewer, scientific journals are a fundamental pillar of communication and dissemination of knowledge, allowing knowledge to be shared with the scientific community and society.

In this sense, this call seeks to strengthen and increase our team of reviewers, with the participation of young Latin American researchers who are developing professionally in some of the areas of engineering and technology, including interdisciplinary specialties.

If you participate in our magazine as a reviewer, our peer evaluation process will gain rigor and allow us to maintain the level of evaluation of the articles, which currently more than half correspond to undergraduate, master's and postgraduate students from Peruvian institutions.

Considering that the Peruvian academic-scientific programs are in a process of maturation in terms of HR, infrastructure and updating of their curricula, the authors who wish to publish in TECNIA find their first experiences with the rigorous evaluation process carried out by their scientific pairs.

In this framework, our contribution to the improvements of the STEM areas in Peru is to maintain the rigor of the evaluation with the support of high-level reviewers like you.

To register as a reviewer, enter this link (you will need to create an INDICO-UNI account), later, we will be confirmed your inclusion as a TECNIA reviewer and the following instructions to follow, including a welcome video call with the editorial team of our magazine.

We thank you in advance for your attention and participation in TECNIA.

Dr. Juan Rodriguez (TECNIA Editor)

MSc. Gerald Salazar (TECNIA Coordinator)