Information For Authors

About the magazine

TECNIA is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes research articles biannually. These articles result from a process of data collection and analysis in various areas of engineering and technology, emphasizing but not limited to:

  • Structural and Civil Engineering
  • Energy and Renewable Energies
  • Materials Science

Manuscripts must be submitted by the lead author through the OJS-UNI, our journal's manuscript submission system. Only electronic files in Word format (.doc, .docx.) can be submitted through the manuscript submission system, and there is no page limit. You can download the TECNIA format for article preparation here. In this document, you will find detailed instructions for preparing your article following our journal's guidelines.


TECNIA uses the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) reference style. We suggest using reference managers like Mendeley or Zotero to manage your references and obtain their format quickly.

Evaluation Process

(1) When an article is submitted through the OJS-UNI system, the editorial process begins with a formal review, checking compliance with the TECNIA format guidelines, and assessing the relevance of the text to the journal's theme. This process will take a maximum of 30 days, after which you will be informed if the peer-review process begins.

To ensure that articles do not contain errors in logical sequence presentation according to TECNIA criteria, such as omissions in methodology, results, and discussion, a TECNIA format compliance evaluation stage has been included in each article. You can see the evaluation template here.

(2) Evaluation through a similarity assessment software. Only manuscripts within the range of 10% to 15% will be accepted.

TECNIA defines plagiarism as the appropriation, presentation as one's own, or use of someone else's intellectual material without explicit recognition of its original source. In this sense, it is suggested to review the online course "CONDUCTA RESPONSABLE EN INVESTIGACIÓN" developed by the Andean Center for Research and Training in Health Informatics for Global Health at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia to learn about good scientific authorship practices.

(3) Peer Review: Once the originality evaluation stage is passed, your article will be reviewed by external peers, at least in single-blind mode, where the reviewers' identities are kept secret, even after the article is published. Once the article is assigned for evaluation, the process will take no less than 12 weeks to have initial communication about your article. The evaluation form can be consulted here.

Selection of Reviewers

The selected reviewers will be specialists in the field with recognized academic prestige (master's or doctorate) in the article's thematic area, with research experience and published articles in Peruvian and foreign scientific journals. Additionally, they are not affiliated with TECNIA.

Editorial Decision

Reviewers send their technical evaluation of the article through the OJS system, suggesting the following actions to take:

  • Accept submission: It is suggested to accept the article in its current state for publication.
  • Publishable with modifications: It is suggested to accept the article, subject to addressing observations in the evaluation.
  • Resubmit for review: It is suggested that the author consider making major changes that could be re-reviewed by the same reviewers.
  • Resubmit for another publication: It is suggested that the author consider making major and substantive changes to the article.
  • Not publishable: It is suggested not to publish the article.

If the decision of at least one of the reviewers is "Resubmit for review," the author is invited to make the changes, if desired, within the timeframe specified by the journal (usually two weeks, 15 business days). Failure to submit by the stipulated date results in article rejection.

Once the author returns the article with integrated adjustments, these will be verified by the reviewers who requested the changes. Finally, the corrected article and the reviewers' final verdict on the corrected article are considered for the ultimate decision to publish or not.

Article Withdrawal

In case the author(s) decide to withdraw the article at any stage of the evaluation process, it must be requested by sending an email to, including all co-authors involved in the article in CC.