For authors


 Manuscripts (articles) must be submitted via the OJS-UNI portal, attaching the following documents:

1. Letter addressed to the General Editor of the TECNIA Journal, signed by the main author, requesting the evaluation to be considered for publication in PDF format. Download APPLICATION AND ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONS FOR PUBLICATION IN TECNIA MAGAZINE

2. The manuscript in WORD format. You can download the TECNIA format that contains the instructions to follow.

 3. The images used in the article in png, jpeg or gif format that are used in the article. See tutorial on how to upload images during sending here.

4. Additional material that you consider useful for the evaluation of the article (optional).

Submit an article by clicking here.

Take into account that the REQUEST AND ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE TECNIA JOURNAL is considered an affidavit stating that the article has not been published or submitted for evaluation in another journal and also assigns the copyright to TECNIA Magazine once the article is published.

Types of Items Received

TECNIA will communicate having received the originals within a period of seven business days. The articles will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee to assess the relevance of the text for the theme of the magazine. This process will last a maximum of twenty days.

TECNIA receives scientific articles that are the result of a data collection and analysis process and contribute to the development of engineering and/or technology, which develop a topic of interest to the magazine, with solidity, originality, topicality and in a timely manner. We do not accept reviews. The article can be in Spanish or English, we do not accept articles in Portuguese.

The research areas are developed in the following topics:

  • Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation
  • Renewable energy
  • Environmental technology and earth science research
  • New materials, biomaterials and sensors.
  • Other topics in engineering and technology

Global guidelines for the preparation of the manuscript

It is expected that your manuscript will synthesize in a pertinent and rigorous way the scientific results that you wish to present.

General considerations:

-The research manuscripts submitted to TECNIA must mainly contain:

1. Cover: List of authors, Affiliations, Email, Contact number, ORCID.

2. Sections of the manuscript


The introduction should briefly present the study carried out and highlight its importance, it should also mention the purpose of the work and its importance, thus including the hypotheses that will be demonstrated in the investigation. Mention the main objective of the research, and it is recommended that it be readable and understandable for editors, reviewers and readers.


This section mentions the work carried out prior to the study, or the research on which the author(s) relies, always complying with the citation criteria and respecting copyright.


Existing methods and instruments applied to the study are exposed, as well as an explanation of how the samples have been collected, prepared and applied. In this section it is also recommended to explain the measurements and calculations applied to the data.

-Analysis of results:

A precise description of what is the experimental results, the interpretation and conclusions that can be verified is mentioned.


In this section of the manuscript, a discussion is added that reflects that the research objectives have been met and/or gives rise to the study having new discussion methods.


The style of references that TECNIA uses has been created for publications based on the field of engineering IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).

We suggest using reference managers like Mendeley or Zotero to manage your references and get the format of them quickly.

 [1] M. Ito et al., “Application of amorphous oxide TFT to electrophoretic display”, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, vol. 354, no. 19, pp. 2777–2782, feb. 2008.

[2] L. H. van Vlack, Elements of Materials Science and Engineering. Reading, MA, USA; Madrid: Addison-Wesley, 1990.

[3] A. Histace, “Image restoration - Recent advances and applications”, en Super-Resolution Restoration and Image Reconstruction for Passive Millimeter Wave Imaging, A. Histace, Ed. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech, 2012, pp. 25–45.

[4] P. C. Parks, “Lyapunov redesign of model reference adaptive control systems”, en 1993 Joint Automatic Control Conf., Preprints, pp. 485–491.

[5] J. Jones. (1991, May 10). Networks (2nd ed.) [Online]. Available:

3. Optional sections:


It is not a mandatory section, but if you wish to present, you must provide the acknowledgments of the support provided by the institutions or departments that have collaborated in the corresponding sections within the manuscript, be they technical or voluntary acknowledgments, among others.


In this section, the sources of financing that the research has had should be mentioned, if applicable, whether they are grants or funds that have been part of the process of preparing the manuscript.

4. Graphic content of the manuscript:


All figures must be sent through the OJS system, they must have a quality of 300dpi and a minimum width of 16cm.

The size of the texts inside the figures must be equal to or greater than the size of the texts in the paragraphs. Where possible it is suggested to use Candara for the text inside the figures.

Screenshots of images that do not follow the instructions above are not accepted.


Images inserted as tables are not accepted.


If you use WORD, it is recommended to use the Microsoft Equation Editor or the MathType plugin. It should not be presented in image format.