Peer Review

(1) When a manuscript is submitted through the OJS-UNI system, the editorial process begins with a formal review, ensuring compliance with the TECNIA format guidelines, and assessing the relevance of the content to the journal's themes. This process will take a maximum of up to 5 weeks, after which it will be communicated whether the peer-review process will commence.

(2) Manuscripts will undergo a similarity assessment using plagiarism detection software to evaluate the originality of the work. If a similarity percentage greater than 15% is found within the article, the editorial process is halted, and the Editor-in-Chief rejects the manuscript.

TECNIA defines plagiarism as the appropriation, presentation as one's own, or use of intellectual material from others without explicit recognition of its original source. In this regard, TECNIA suggests reviewing the online course "RESPONSIBLE CONDUCT IN RESEARCH" developed by the Andean Center for Research and Training in Health Informatics for Global Health at the Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University to detect and recognize editorial misconduct.

(3) Peer Review: Once the originality evaluation stage is passed, the manuscript will be reviewed by external peers using the single-blind (blind peer review) or double-blind (double-blind peer review) method.

Selection of Reviewers:

Chosen reviewers will be specialists in the subject, with research experience and published articles in scientific journals. Moreover, they are not affiliated with TECNIA.

(4) Editorial Decision: Reviewers submit the technical evaluation of the article through the OJS system, suggesting the following actions for the editor:

  • Accept submission: It is suggested to accept the article in its current state for publication.
  • Publishable with modifications: It is suggested to accept the article, subject to addressing observations indicated in the evaluation.
  • Resubmit for review: It is suggested that the author considers making major changes that could be re-evaluated by the same reviewers.
  • Resubmit for another publication: It is suggested that the author considers making major and fundamental changes to the article.
  • Not publishable: It is suggested not to publish the article.

If the decision of at least one reviewer is "Resubmit for review," the author is invited to make the changes, if deemed appropriate, within the stipulated two-week period. Failure to submit within the specified date results in the rejection of the manuscript.

Once the author resubmits the manuscript with the required corrections, these will be verified by the reviewers, who will issue their final verdict.

Article Withdrawal:

In the event that the author(s) decide to withdraw the manuscript at any stage of the review, it must be requested by sending an email to, including all co-authors involved in the manuscript in CC.

TECNIA adheres to the publication guidelines of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), particularly the process for handling complaints and editorial misconduct.