Carbon footprint: GHG emissions by use of the lighting system of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering of the National University of Engineering, Lima-Peru




Carbon footprint, GHG inventory, light efficiency, LED lamp, energy efficiency


The general objective of this research study is to contribute to partially establishing the Carbon Footprint Baseline for the use of Lighting Systems in the building environments of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering (FIA) of the National University of Engineering (UNI ), in the development of academic, management and support activities. For this purpose, the following specific objectives were established: To identify the sources of indirect GHG emissions, to estimate indirect GHG emissions that come from the generation of electricity from external sources (Scope 2), and to prepare the corresponding GHG inventory report. Universities, and especially University Faculties related to Environmental Engineering, have the relevant responsibility to contribute to environmental sustainability through research, direct actions, and academic training of professionals. This will be of tremendous academic impact by replicating good practices in other faculties, universities and sectors. This contribution is aligned with the mitigation actions that are part of the Nacional Determined Contributions (NDC), which constitute Peru’s commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, based upon the Paris Agreement. Modern societies develop a large number of activities with the use of electrical systems. According to the IEEE, 66% of the electricity worldwide is generated by fossil fuels and 16% of the world's electricity is consumed in lighting systems. In Peru, according to the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM), approximately 35% of the primary energy (after the transformation and /or discounting losses) is destined for electricity generation, from which energy consumption by lighting in households accounts for 19% of the total electricity bill. In the public sector, this percentage rises to 20% and in the commercial sector up to 25%. The GHG inventory report has been made according to ISO 14064-1. The methodology of applied quantification is the result of the combination of measurement and calculation. Calculations based on data on GHG activities, data on hours of electric power consumption, and direct measurements of intermittent energy consumption by lighting systems are multiplied by the GHG Emission Factor (FE). The base year considered is 2018, determining the inventory of indirect GHG emissions that come from the generation of electricity of external origin (Scope 2) by use of the Lighting System of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering of the National Engineering University, in the academic, management and support activities of 63.169 tonCO2e. The highest consumption is related to direct academic activities (classrooms, laboratories and library) with 41.18%. A per capita emission of 0.061 tonCO2e / student and 0.052 tonCO2e / user, as well as an average of 0.042 tonCO2e / lamp is seen.


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How to Cite

B. E. Saavedra, “Carbon footprint: GHG emissions by use of the lighting system of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering of the National University of Engineering, Lima-Peru”, TEC, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 121–136, May 2020.



Environmental engineering