Updating the Occurrence of the Soil Liquefaction Phenomenon in Peru





earthquakes, soil liquefaction, water table


We present the information available on the phenomenon of soil liquefaction in Peru due to the seismic action and its representation in a map of soil liquefaction areas. The map of soil liquefaction areas is drawn to the scale 1: 5'000,000 and presents distinctions between liquefaction and probable liquefaction cases, according to the interpretation of the information available in the literature. All the documentation that presents evidence of the phenomenon of liquefaction, such as the formation of small volcanoes of mud and sand, the violent expulsion of water from the soil, the presence of intense cracking and the differential settlements due to the seismic action, has been detailed in this article.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Elias Domingo Alva Hurtado, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Lima, Perú

Jorge Alva Hurtado obtained the Doctor in Philosophy degree, PhD in Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst – Massachusetts (1977-1980) and the Master of Science (MSCE)  with mention in Material Testing (1974-1976) and Civil Engineer (CE) with mention in Geotechnics (1976-1977) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – USA. He is Professor in the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the National University of Engineering, in undergraduate and graduate studies in the area of Geotechnics.

He is currently President of the National Engineering University (Period 2016-2020). He was National Dean of the Peruvian Association of Engineers (Period 2016-2018) and President of the Peruvian Association of Geotechnical Engineering (Period 2015-2018) and the National Association of Public Universities of Peru (Period 2016-2019).

He has published approximately 80 articles in national and international specialized magazines in Civil Engineering; as well as books of its authorship. He has been an exhibitor, speaker and / or lecturer in approximately 200 seminars and / or conferences of Civil Engineering of national and international character, representing various institutions and / or national organizations.

He has received distinctions as Doctor Honoris Causa and Honorary Professor in different Universities of Peru, is a member of the Pan-American Academy of Engineering, Medal of the Engineering Order of the Peruvian Association of Engineers and Member of the  National Academy of Sciences of Peru.

He is a Consulting Engineer for state companies and private national and foreign organizations, in large-scale engineering works located throughout Peru during the last 40 years; being specialist in seismic hazard studies and geotechnical engineering.

Carmen Eleana Ortiz Salas, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Lima, Perú

Maestra en Ciencias con mención en Ingeniería  Geotecnia, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Especialista en Ingeniería Sismo Resistente Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería - Lima. Master en Hidrología General CEDEX,  España. Master en Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental (1997/1998)  Malaga, España. Consultora en cimentaciones superficiales y profundas, evaluación de peligro sísmico,  estabilidad de taludes. Investigadora afiliada de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Docente  de Pregrado en el área de Geotecnia de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.


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How to Cite

J. E. D. Alva Hurtado and C. E. Ortiz Salas, “Updating the Occurrence of the Soil Liquefaction Phenomenon in Peru”, TEC, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 6–17, Nov. 2020.



Civil Engineering, Geotechnics and Earthquake Resistance