Importance of bandwidth selection for time delay estimation involving leak detection in buried water plastic pipes


  • Pedro Christian Ayala Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidade Estadual Paulista. São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Michael Brennan Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidade Estadual Paulista. São Paulo, Brasil
  • Fabricio Almeida Department of Biosystems Engineering, State University Paulista. São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Daniel Obata Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidade Estadual Paulista. São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Amarildo Tabone Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidade Estadual Paulista. São Paulo, Brazil.



leak detection, bandwidth selection, plastic water distribution pipes, cross-correlation method


A major problem in water companies is to detect leaks in underground pipes as water is a limited source. For many years, acoustics techniques have been used to reduce this problem enhancing leak detection positioning estimation. The correlation of leak noise signals is one of these techniques. Moreover, using the time difference of the arrival of the leak noise at the sensors, and knowledge of the speed at which the noise propagates in the pipe, the distance of the leak from one of the sensor positions can be estimated. This paper describes the importance of the bandwidth selection in the estimation of the time delay. Experimental cases from a test rig in Brazil are shown to support.


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How to Cite

P. C. Ayala, M. Brennan, F. Almeida, D. Obata, and A. Tabone, “Importance of bandwidth selection for time delay estimation involving leak detection in buried water plastic pipes”, TEC, vol. 28, no. 2, Dec. 2018.



Processing of Signals and Images