Experimental study of confined masonry walls against perpendicular loads by tsunami
Confined masonry, tsunami, seismicity, structural capacityAbstract
Peru is a country with high seismic activity, which leads to a potential risk of tsunamis that could affect the Peruvian coast. In the city of Lima, the most commonly used structural system is confined masonry, mainly due to its low economic cost. The present experimental study aims to study the behavior of confined masonry walls under the action of perpendicular loads produced by the impact of tsunami waves. The experimental study was carried out at the Structures Laboratory of the Peruvian-Japanese Center for Seismic Research and Disaster Mitigation - CISMID, where 2 confined masonry walls were built and tested under the action of perpendicular loads applied by means of hydraulic jacks with a force control simulating the forces induced by a tsunami. From the experimental test, a perpendicular bending failure was obtained, reaching a total load equivalent to a wave of 1.85 meters high for a distortion of 1/75 at the level of the lightened slab. In addition, the limit deformation for confined masonry structures indicated in Peruvian Standard E030 was reached for a load equivalent to a wave height of 1.64 meters. Finally, the results obtained experimentally were compared with those obtained through a finite element model, obtaining a good correspondence between both.
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