Pilot-scale residual sludge dehydration in a convective rotary dryer, Case: Santa clara wastewater treatment plant, Lima, Perú

Santa Clara Water Treatment Plant, Lima Province, Peru


  • Leynard Natividad Marin College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia
  • Alfonso Gil Villanueva, Ing. Facultad de Ingeniería Ambiental, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Perú




Residual sludge, Convective dehydration, Fertilizer, Escherichia Coli, Sludge hygienization


This research aims to decrease the moisture and pathogen content in a residual sludge from Santa Clara wastewater treatment plant. This could reduce transport cost to sludge disposal centers and its reuse as a possible fertilizer. The pilot scale dehydration was developed with a system comprised by rotatory convective dryer, agitating tank, screw conveyor, air heating furnace, cyclone collector and a gas scrubber. The effect of temperature (120°C, 150°C y 200°C) and sludge residence time within the dryer drum was studied. The initial sludge, with 85.90%, 9.17% y 4.93% in moisture, volatile suspended solids and non-volatiles suspended solids, achieved a minimum moisture of 17.74% when a temperature of 200°C and 60 minutes residence time were applied. Helminths eggs were not detected in the initial sludge, but a high Escherichia Coli concentration was found (4×105 NMP/1g ST to 1.6×107 NMP/1g ST), therefore, the addition of  was needed to rise the pH to 12 during the initial sludge feeding to the dryer. The dried sludge characterization showed a high nutrient (N, P, C, etc.) concentration, indicating some advantages as a fertilizer, but its high metal content also suggests more research if it is used in food crops production.


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How to Cite

L. Natividad Marin and A. Gil Villanueva, “Pilot-scale residual sludge dehydration in a convective rotary dryer, Case: Santa clara wastewater treatment plant, Lima, Perú: Santa Clara Water Treatment Plant, Lima Province, Peru”, TEC, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 21–33, Jun. 2023.



Environmental engineering