Biodiesel by Transesterification Alkaline from Waste Vegetable Oils in Lima


  • Linda N. Zavaleta Palomino Facultad de Ingeniería Geográfica, Ambiental y Ecoturismo, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Perú
  • Jean Pierre A. Suavo Carrión Facultad de Ingeniería Geográfica, Ambiental y Ecoturismo, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Perú



In this paper, it is presented an experiment carried out with the objective of knowing the optimum roduction
process in order to generate bio diesel by alkaline transesterification, from residual vegetable oils from the
Restaurants in San Borja. In order to do so, first of all of the residual vegetal oil collected was analyzed, then it
was determined the concentration of methanol (%v/v), the concentration of potassium hydroxide (%p/p) and
the optimum reaction time, and lastly, it was determined the bio diesel quality produced.

The results showed that it is possible to generate biodiesel from the collected oil, due to its grade of acidity
(1,56%) was lower than 3%. The optimum conditions to get the maximum conversion of the reaction were
achieved when it was used a methanol concentration of 30%, a concentration of potassium hydroxide of 0,4%
regarding the weight of the oil and a reaction time of 3:30 minutes at a constant temperature of 60%. Under these conditions it was obtained a performance of biodiesel of 85,97%. Biodiesel obtained under the best reaction conditions will be analyzed four fuel properties, finding that the kinematic viscosity was 5,5 cSt, the acid number was 0,68 mg KOH / g, the sulfated ash was 0,0478% and Conradson Carbon was 0,142%.


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How to Cite

L. N. Zavaleta Palomino and J. P. A. Suavo Carrión, “Biodiesel by Transesterification Alkaline from Waste Vegetable Oils in Lima”, TEC, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 107–114, Jun. 2016.


