Short-time analysis of RC beams strengthened with or without FRP plates


  • Jorge Luis Palomino Tamayo Federal university of Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, Brasil.



short time, FRP plate, stress, strain


The analytical model proposed by Bazant & Oh based on compatibility of deformations and equilibrium of forces in RC cross sections is extended and presented to predict short-time deformations. Stresses and deflections in beams strengthened with 01' without FRP plates epoxy- bonded to the tension face of rectangular and T cross sections. The theory assumes concrete to have a nonzero tensile carrying capacity. A parametric study was conducted to invesugate some design parameters such as plate area. plate stiffness and strength, concrete compressive strength and steel reinforcement ratio. To this end. moment-curvat ure diagrams lI'ere generated to know the influence of such parameters in the flexural response of the section. In all cases studied, adding the plate to the cross section increases the yield and ultimate tnoment capacity substantially in sections with a low steel reinforcenient ratio in tension being this increase more significant in doubly RC sections rather than in singly ones. Furthermore, results indicate that this increased flexural capacity could vary from 1.1 to 3.3 times the original strength of the section. Finally, the increase of concrete compressive strength does not increase the ultimate moment capacity significantly as it does when it is accompanied with the plate. Results show that the increased flexural capacity due to combined action could be as high as 4 times the original strength of the section. 


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Author Biography

Jorge Luis Palomino Tamayo, Federal university of Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, Brasil.

Engenheiro civil pela UNI (Universidade Nacional de Engenharia - Peru) (2004), M.Sc. (2011) e D.Sc. (2015) pelo PPGEC/UFRGS (Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil) na área de Estruturas. Tem experiência na área de Mecânica Computacional, com ênfase nas áreas de Mecânica das Estruturas e dos Sólidos (análise estática e dinâmica linear e não-linear de estruturas de concreto armado e mistas de aço-concreto), Dinâmica de solos computacional (com aplicação a solos saturados e liquefação em areias) e Problemas de Interação solo-estrutura (com ênfase na análise de estruturas civis). Pós-doutorado (2015) no PPGEC/UFRGS sobre Introdução de campos estocásticos em problemas de Geotecnia e Estruturas de Concreto. Atualmente professor colaborador do PPGEC/UFRGS (Texto informado pelo autor)


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How to Cite

J. L. Palomino Tamayo, “Short-time analysis of RC beams strengthened with or without FRP plates”, TEC, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 31–45, Jun. 2009.




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