Open Access Policy

License Declaration

Articles published by TECNIA are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).


TECNIA Journal provides open access, free, immediate access to its content under the principle of free availability of research to the research community and the general public.

TECNIA Journal subscribes to the Budapest BOAI 2002 declaration, DORA (San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment), and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) policies. Additionally, it is governed by the following regulations: RR No. 657 "Regulation of Sanctions for Deviations Contrary to the Code of Ethics in the Exercise of Research," RR No. 1200 "Code of Ethics of the Researcher," RR No. 1632 "Regulation on Intellectual Property of the National University of Engineering," RR No. 1716 "Research Policy of the National University of Engineering," and Legislative Decree No. 822 Law on Copyright.

Copyright Notice

1. In the event that the submitted article is accepted for publication, the author(s) grant(s) FREE, EXCLUSIVE, AND INDEFINITE assignment of their patrimonial right(s) to the National University of Engineering (UNI, Peru).

2. Reuse Rights: UNI grants AUTHORS the right to reuse for any purpose, including self-archiving, and to publish on the internet or any electronic site the approved and published final version (post-print) of the article, provided that it is done without profit, does not generate derivative work without prior authorization, and respects authorship sources.

3. The submission and possible publication of the article in the TECNIA Journal will be subject to the regulations of the National University of Engineering and the corresponding laws of the Republic of Peru. For UNI members, the Code of Ethics of the Researcher and the Sanctions Regulation for the Code of Ethics of the Researcher of our University will also apply.

Publication Charges

TECNIA does not charge Article Processing Charges (APC) for manuscript review and any other fees to authors.