Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.-
The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the For authors/a. In that sense, the article follows the guidelines of the TECNIA format.
The submitted manuscript must be in editable format (MS WORD), with Candara font. - All submitted manuscripts must include an abstract of a maximum of 250 words, and the author must adhere to the instructions and the established template, including font, font size, spacing, tables, images, and all indications outlined in this guide
- The submission includes the title, abstract, and keywords in both Spanish and English.
- I have attached the permissions for the use of images, tables and figures that are not owned by the author.
- The submission or manuscript is declared to be original and unpublished, meaning it has not been previously published or submitted for consideration to any other journal or conference. If evidence to the contrary is found, it is recommended to provide an explanation in the Comments to the editor, or the journal may subsequently remove the registration
- I have attached a REQUEST AND ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONS FOR PUBLICATION IN TECNIA JOURNAL, duly signed, indicating that the submitted article is the intellectual property of the authors, has not been published or submitted for evaluation to another journal, and authorizing TECNIA Journal to retain the copyright once the article is published.
- The thematic areas that the TECNIA journal accepts encompass research articles that result from a process of data collection and analysis in various fields of engineering and technology, with emphasis but not limited to: Structural and Civil Engineering, Energy and Renewable Energies, and Materials Science
- The manuscripts submitted to the journal comply with being original and unpublished, and they should not be under evaluation in another journal or conference.
The content of the contributions and the cited references comply with the standards IEEE. Also review the TECNIA model which details the rules for submitting a manuscript.
All references must have the online identifier: DOI, URL, HANDLE, PMID; otherwise, it is declared to be a physical source from which they are referencing the document.
Copyright Notice
The articles published by TECNIA Journal are distributed under the Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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