Vol. 26 No. 1 (2006)

					View Vol. 26 No. 1 (2006)

Since 1995, the Research Institute of the Faculty of Sciences of the National University of Engineering has published 11 copies of REVCIUNI. Several of our teachers and students have collaborated with them with articles where they report their research or disseminate topics related to basic and applied sciences.

The REVICUNI number that we now present has some formal changes. A new design on the covers with a greater variety of color, as well as the inscription of the volume and the number on the spine, for better identification. Regarding the subject, there have been no modifications, the journal hosts completed or ongoing research works, undergraduate and postgraduate theses, and specialized dissemination articles. This issue includes applied physics and mathematics topics.

The main objective of the publication of the Journal of the Faculty of Sciences of the UNI is to disseminate the research carried out in our faculty. Such investigations are reflected in works related to the bachelor's thesis and master's thesis, as well as important results of scientific research of the professors of the faculty. The journal also includes popular science works.

Published: 2006-06-01