Un Clúster aplicado a la educación, portátil, del bajo costo, usando Raspberry Pi


  • César Martín Cruz Salazar Escuela de Ciencia de la Computación. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería


Cluster, raspberry pi, parallel computing, distributed computing, MPI, hadoop, education, cluster , portable, low cost


This article is about the implementation of a Cluster called CRUZ (whose acronym stands for Research Cluster of the Uni de Poder Zero) as a portable educational tool made up of 16 nodes and an additional node for the master node. It uses a total of 17 Raspberry Pi boards that were joined together to form a network, each with Internet access. The team as a whole is configured by installing appropriate software, so that they work collaboratively processing a task partitioned between all nodes using MPI libraries. Allowing them to develop and test programs in parallel. The goal of this equipment is to be used as a teaching tool in Parallel and Distributed Programming courses, providing a low-cost starting point to inspire and empower students to understand and apply high-speed computing. performance and data manipulation to address complex engineering and scientific challenges.


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3. Simon J. Cox, James T. Cox, Richard P. Boardman, Steven J. Johnston, Mark Scott, and Neil S. O'Brien. Iridis-pi: a low-cost, compact demonstration cluster. Cluster Com- puting, 17(2):349{358, 4 2014.
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How to Cite

Cruz Salazar, C. M. (2021). Un Clúster aplicado a la educación, portátil, del bajo costo, usando Raspberry Pi. REVCIUNI, 16(1), 1–6. Retrieved from https://revistas.uni.edu.pe/index.php/revciuni/article/view/934


