Instructions for authors

The IECOS Journal, indexed in LATINDEX, CROSSREF, is an open access publication that is published every six months and whose main purpose is to disseminate original and relevant studies on the progress and results of research in various fields of the Social Sciences, with emphasis on economics, sociology, politics and applied statistics.

The types and contents of the papers to be presented are as follows:


  1. Scientific research articles: These are academic papers that present the results of original research. They generally follow a standard structure that includes i) introduction, ii) background, iii) methodology, iv) results, v) discussion, vi) conclusions, and vii) references. Research articles are designed to contribute to existing knowledge in a specific field.


  1. Essays: Essays are texts that often reflect the author's opinions or interpretations of a particular topic. Although they may be based on empirical evidence, they do not necessarily present new research findings. They usually follow a standard structure that includes: i) Introduction (Presentation of the topic, statement of the main thesis or argument, contextualization of the topic in its current relevance); ii) Development: (Main arguments, evidence and examples that support the thesis, counterarguments and refutations if necessary); iii) Conclusion (Recapitulation of the thesis and main points, Reflection on the importance of the topic, possible implications or suggestions for future research); iv) References.


  1. Case Studies or Reports: These documents detail the in-depth analysis of a specific case of interest. Case studies usually provide a detailed description of the case, its context and implications. They usually follow a standard structure that includes: i) Introduction (Context of the case, Objectives of the study), ii) Description of the case: Details about the setting, participants, events, etc.), iii) Analysis: (Interpretation of the data and events, identification of significant problems or patterns, relationship to relevant theories or concepts). iv) Conclusions (Key findings of the study, lessons learned, recommendations or suggestions based on the analysis); v).


  1. State of the art (Literature review): These documents summarize and analyze the current state of knowledge in a specific field. They usually follow a standard structure that includes: i) Introduction; (Explanation of the topic or field of study, justification of the importance of the state of the art); ii) Literature review: (Summary of relevant previous research, identification of trends, gaps in research, controversies, etc.); iii) Methodology: (Explanation of the criteria used to select sources, methods used, etc.); iv) Methodology: (Explanation of the criteria used to select sources, methods used, etc.). ); iii) Methodology: (Explanation of source selection criteria, methods used to collect and analyze the literature); iv) Analysis: (Synthesis of the information reviewed, discussion of the main findings); v) Conclusions and future direction: (Summary of key points, suggestions for future research, reflections on the direction of the field); vi) References.


  1. Critical appraisal: focuses on the review and in-depth evaluation of previously published academic works, assessing their methodology, results and contributions to the field of study.


  1. Interviews: maximum 2400 words.


  1. Reviews of publications: maximum 800 words.


  1. Event reports: maximum 1500 words.


Formal considerations:

- Papers submitted to IECOS (with the exception of interviews, reviews and event reports) may have a maximum length of 8000 words.

- Main title: Concise and without abbreviations; the title should not exceed 12 words. Should be submitted in Spanish and English.

- Authors: Name and surname(s) should be indicated, indicating academic degree, ORCID, institutional affiliation and institutional e-mail address. In the case of several authors, names will be placed in alphabetical order.

- Resumen: A maximum of 250 words, in a single paragraph, the abstract should be structured with: objectives, methodology, results and conclusions in Spanish.

- Palabras claves: Maximum five words in Spanish.

- Abstract: Translation of the abstract in English.

- Keywords: Translation of the keywords into English language.


Bibliographic references and citations:

- Citations, as well as their respective references, will be written following the general rules of APA (seventh edition). The correct citation is mandatory, in order to comply with the law of copyright and intellectual property protection.

- As references, only those that have been cited in the article should be presented. References that are not cited in the text are not allowed.


Calls for papers and refereeing:

- The calls for submission-reception of articles is permanent, i.e., throughout the year. In addition, for special considerations there will be extraordinary calls for papers.


Final decision

- Articles that meet the requirements described in this document will be submitted to the review system under the "double-blind" arbitration modality. In the event that an article does not meet the requirements, it will be rejected and its author will be notified of the decision taken. This decision is final.


Receipt of articles:

Articles can be sent to either of these two addresses:

- OJS Platform (Manuscript Submission Tutorial).



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