Semi-Markov models for the evaluation of time, location, magnitude and depth of earthquakes in southern Peru 2023


  • Carlos Risco Franco National University of Engineering, Lima, Peru
  • Marlene Angela Payano Mendez National University of Engineering, Lima, Peru
  • Joel Salomon Rios Nima National University of Engineering, Lima, Peru



Seismic, semi-Markov, Cluster Analysis


Peru is located in the South Pacific seismic region and frequently experiences significant earthquakes. Among the most relevant events are the 8.4 magnitude earthquake in Arequipa in 2001, the 7.9 magnitude earthquake in Ica in August 2007 and again a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Arequipa in July 2017. These events underscore the need for seismic risk studies in the region.
This study is of a descriptive and correlational type, with a cross-sectional design, whose objective is to identify the areas in southern Peru with the highest risk of experiencing high magnitude earthquakes. The data come from the Geophysical Institute of Peru and cover the period from 1960 to 2023, analyzing earthquakes with a magnitude equal to or greater than 5.5 MW. The methodology of (Sadeghian, 2012), based on the semi-Markov model, was applied to predict time and location of seismic events, extending this model also to depth states. The Pisco-Ica and Chala-Atico areas are highlighted as the most at risk for the occurrence of large magnitude earthquakes.


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Author Biographies

Marlene Angela Payano Mendez, National University of Engineering, Lima, Peru

Student Ingenieria statistics

Joel Salomon Rios Nima, National University of Engineering, Lima, Peru

Student of the National University of Engineering
statistical engineering specialty


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How to Cite

Risco Franco, C., Payano Mendez, M. A., & Rios Nima, J. S. (2024). Semi-Markov models for the evaluation of time, location, magnitude and depth of earthquakes in southern Peru 2023. Revista IECOS, 25(2), 77–103.



Research Articles