Market-based estimates of the natural real rate: evidence from latin american bond markets


  • Jens Henrik Eggert Christensen Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, San Francisco, United States
  • Luis Ceballos University of San Diego, San Diego, United States
  • Damian Romero Central Bank of Chile, Santiago, Chile



affine arbitrage-free term structure model, financial market frictions, monetary policy, rstar


We provide market-based estimates of the natural real rate, that is, the steady-state short-term real interest rate, for Brazil, Chile, and Mexico. Our approach uses a dynamic term structure finance model estimated directly on the prices of individual inflation- indexed bonds with adjustments for real term and bond-specific liquidity premia. First, we find that inflation-indexed bond liquidity premia in all three countries are sizable with significant variation. Second, we find large differences in their estimated equilibrium real rates with Brazil’s being large and volatile, Mexico’s stable, but elevated, while Chile’s is low and has fallen persistently.


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How to Cite

Eggert Christensen, J. H., Ceballos, L., & Romero, D. (2023). Market-based estimates of the natural real rate: evidence from latin american bond markets. Revista IECOS, 24(2), 25–58.



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