Implementation of Payments for Ecosystem Services in Peru


  • Roger Loyola La Molina National Agrarian University



Payment for environmental services, Implementation of environmental policies


As in several countries in the region, Payments for Ecosystem Services were widely promoted environmental policy proposals in Peru. In 2014 a specific regulatory framework was created for it. Even though the logic was that it would impact all the economic sectors that used these services, in practice it only materialized in the public drinking water sector, specifically in the drinking water companies. The reality shows that there are still questions and pending tasks to be answered, theoretical about what negotiations can work in a certain context, generally when it was designed for private and not public, as in the Peruvian case and; practices to see its degree of replicability beyond this sector. In this context, the implementation of this type of mechanism in the Peruvian case is evaluated.


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How to Cite

Loyola, R. (2022). Implementation of Payments for Ecosystem Services in Peru. Revista IECOS, 23(1), 61–82.



Research Articles