About the Journal

About the magazine

Created in 1971 through an agreement between the UNI and the University of Tilburg (Katholieke Hogeschool) in the Netherlands, with the aim of guiding and promoting research as the foundation and method of academic work and as an instrument of knowledge of the national reality. Apart from the research projects, public opinion, image and market research studies are carried out.

IECOS Journal is an open access journal that is published biannually, aimed at presenting to the academic, scientific, and industrial community original and high-quality scientific articles in the areas of economics, statistics, and social sciences that are the result of a process of gathering and data analysis and contribute to the development of engineering in the short, medium and long term.

Data or calculated files relating to all details of the experimental procedure, if they cannot be published in the normal way, can be deposited as supplementary material.


Disseminate the technological production of the region in the area of economics, statistics and social sciences, allowing authors to disseminate their work and thus support the strengthening of basic and applied research at a global level.

Peer Review

In order to guarantee a high editorial standard, each article submission is pre-screened by the journal editors before being sent to independent referees.

Articles may be rejected without arbitration after this initial evaluation by the editors if they do not comply with the IECOS format.

Due to the high volume of items we receive, we regret that we are unable to provide information on individual items. Authors who appeal against the decision will have to demonstrate to the Editorial Board of the journal that their article contains significant new science or engineering of high quality and interest.

This journal operates a single blind peer review policy. An internal editorial team preliminarily assesses all submissions for editorial appropriateness prior to formal peer review. Articles deemed inappropriate for the journal at this early stage will be rejected without further review.