Semiotic language in the Architecture of Modern Style Commercial typology of the city of Managua




Architectural Semiotics, Modern Heritage, Shopping Centers, Managua


In this article, the most outstanding aspects of Architectural Semiotics focused on the recognition of the elements within the typology of Shopping Centers in the city of Managua are addressed in a timely manner. Starting from different theorists and studies, the importance of semiotics is established as a method of architecture for its correct understanding and therefore also for the subsequent design process, taking up the elements and criteria that have a meaning to be highlighted and generate pleasure and identity.

The identification of these components was obtained from the analysis of theories and concepts (texture, color, shapes, signs and sensations, emotions that are generated from the user experience) closely linked to the subject and whose synthesis allowed the creation of a methodology and , in turn, a specific tool that is synthesized in a table of values for the semiotic analysis in situ (Evaluation Sheet of Semiotic Analysis in Shopping Centers).

It is important to recognize the general values of architectural works and the style they bring to the city, whether on a neighborhood scale or more macro. Although at the time these buildings stood out from the style of the areas where they are located, they quickly managed to become a development impetus for other works that followed, even generating an identity with the users.


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Author Biographies

Erasmo José Aguilar Arriola, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (Nicaragua)

Docente e investigador de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNI, con Maestría en gestión de Riesgos y Reducción de desastres de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (UNAN) Managua. Es el editor fundador de la revista Arquitectura +, con especialidad en el tema de la vivienda unifamiliar. Tiene artículos publicados en múltiples revistas y dos libros académicos resultado de su investigación en la UNI.

Maria de los Ángeles Vargas Miranda, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (Nicaragua)

Arquitecta, graduada de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNI, investigadora de la temática de teoría de la arquitectura, enfoca- do en el método semiótico.              Co-autora del artículo Elementos de semiótica en el diseño arquitectónico. Revista Arquitectura+, 3(6). Experiencia en supervisión y diseño de viviendas.

Yolanda Zamora, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería(Nicaragua)

Arquitecta, graduada de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNI, investigadora de la temática de teoría de la arquitectura, enfo- cado en el método semiótico.              Co-autora del artículo Elementos de semiótica en el diseño arquitectónico. Revista Arquitectura+, 3(6). Experiencia en expresión gráfica y el estilismo, especialmente sobre la corriente moderna de la arquitectura.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Arriola, E. J., Vargas Miranda, M. de los Ángeles, & Zamora, Y. (2022). Semiotic language in the Architecture of Modern Style Commercial typology of the city of Managua. Devenir - Journal of Studies on Built Heritage, 9(18).

