Simple model of the electron condensation process


  • Rafaél Peréz Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería


Cooper pair, Fermi level


The central objective of this work is to show the possibility of condensing an electron gas of the level
of Fermi, this is achieved by considering that each pair of electrons with total momemtum equal to zero and momentum
intrinsic angular value equal to zero, called the Cooper couple, have been linked in momentum space due to the
existence of an attractive effective potential, which is explained with the active interaction of the network with each pair of
electrons with the characteristics already mentioned. Condensation is shown by the existence of a level of
energy below the ground state of the Fermi free electron Gas. The Importance of this work
lies in contributing to the understanding of the phenomenon of superconductivity in metals.


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How to Cite

Peréz, R. (2021). Simple model of the electron condensation process. REVCIUNI, 18(1), 10–15. Retrieved from


