Data Mining Application to Credit Reliability


  • Edgard Kenny Venegas Palacios Escuela Profesional de Matemática. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
  • Joseph Luis Kahn Casapía Escuela Profesional de Matemática. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad Nacional de Ingenierí


Data mining, inear regression, bayesian methods, decision trees, artificial neural networks


Classification models in Data Mining, focused on predicting whether a bank customer is reliable or
not to receive a credit, they present a score and precision with simple training for RL: 0:21% and 0:79%, NB:
0:74% and 0:76%, AD: 0:70% and 0:69%, RNA: 0:74% and 0:73%, cross-trained for RL: 0:20% and 0:79%,
NB: 0:73% and 0:72%, AD: 0:68% and 0:72%, RNA: 0:73% and 0:75%. In addition to using RL to find relationships
between the variables of the available database.


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How to Cite

Venegas Palacios, E. K., & Kahn Casapía, J. L. (2021). Data Mining Application to Credit Reliability. REVCIUNI, 18(1), 37–46. Retrieved from


