Construction and Implementation of a Cluster with recycled PC machines


  • César Mártin Cruz-Salazar CTIC(Centro de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicaciones). Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería;
  • José A. Fiestas CTIC(Centro de Tecnologías de Informacion y Comunicaciones). Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería


LINUX Cluster , Parallel Computing , distributed computing, Cluster Computing, High Performance Computing


This work presents the implementation of a Computer cluster to provide CTIC UNI with a High Performance Computing Machine, using recycled, low-cost personal computers and open source software such as LINUX as a hardware base. Likewise, the architecture of the machine cluster used for the implementation of the CTIC cluster is described. Finally, the evaluation of the implemented cluster and performance tests using the latest generation scalable software are presented.


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How to Cite

Cruz-Salazar, C. M., & Fiestas, J. A. (2021). Construction and Implementation of a Cluster with recycled PC machines. REVCIUNI, 17(1), 50–57. Retrieved from


