Analysis of numerical control of conduction heat flow


  • Irla Mantilla N. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
  • Angel Ramirez G. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería


heat conduction , parabolic variational inequality , finite element method , Uzawa algorithm , Neuman boundray condition type


This paper studies the behavior of conduction heat transfer and thermal process control in isotropic materials.The problem generates a mathematical model to a Parabolic Variational Inequality (PVI) which is solved numer-ically by an approximation scheme consists of finite element methods, Implicit Euler, Gauss Seidel and Uzawaalgorithm. The numerical results show that the scheme developed is convergent and it’s tested with numericalsimulation of the thermal control of heat conduction assuming isotropy property and thermal conductivity for glassand aluminum.


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How to Cite

Mantilla N., I., & Ramirez G., A. (2021). Analysis of numerical control of conduction heat flow. Journal of the Science Faculty @ UNI, 17(1), 25–32. Retrieved from


