Percolación de lados sobre Zd y el Teorema de Harris-Kesten


  • J. Cerda Hernández Instituto de Matemática e Estatástica Universidade de Sao Paulo


Percolation model, exponential decay , uniqueness of the open cluster, FKG inequality , Russo’s formula


These lecture notes are based on a mini-course “Percolation models” which I taught at National University ofEngineering in January 2014. The goal was to try to develop a first self-contained course in percolation models,that is one of the simplest models of statistical physics exhibiting a phase transition, and present some fundamentaltools that we use in the formulation and proof of Harris-Kesten Theorem (see [8] and [1]) on the exact value of thecritical probabilitypcfor bond percolation on Z2


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How to Cite

Cerda Hernández, J. (2021). Percolación de lados sobre Zd y el Teorema de Harris-Kesten. REVCIUNI, 16(1), 7–13. Retrieved from


