Diffusion mechanism for trimers on Ag(111) surfaces and across facet-facet edges
Barreras faceta-faceta, energías de activación, energías de activación, método Nudged Elastic BandAbstract
Energy barriers for the diffusion of atoms across multilayer facets are a key factor in surface processing and nanostructure fabrication. This work presents molecular statics calculations of diffusing Ag trimers near and across Ag{ 111} facet-facet edges. We calculate activation energies using Effective Medium Theory, as a total energy calculator, and Nudged Elastic Band method to obtain the minimum energy path. The simulation results show that near the edge and before diffusing down, the trimer prefers a closed triangle configuration. (HCP-T). The facet-facet barrier increases gradually with the number of facet layers. After the second layer the barriers reach a constant value of 0.35, 0.45 and 0.53 eV for atoms, dimers and trimers respectively.
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