
  • Holger Valqui Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Lima, Perú


Einstein, ACEL, ECAS, McCarthy, Manhattan Proyect, Szilard, Priceton


Biographical sketch: ... It is the belief of this office that professor Einstein is an extreme radical, and a great deal of material on him can be found in the files of the State Department... The origin of the case is that in Berlin, even in the political free and easy period of 1923 to 1929, the Einstein home was known as a Communist center and clearing home. Mrs, and Miss Einstein were always prominent at all extreme radical meetings and demostrations. When the German police tried to bridges some of the extrema Communist activities, the Einstein villa at Wansee was found to be the hiding place of Moscow envoys, etc. The Berlin conservative press at the time featured this, but the authorities were hesitant to take any action, as the more radical press immediately accused these reporters as being Anti-Semites. CONFIDENTIAL.


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Asimov I., Historia de la energía nuclear, Alianza Editorial 1985.

Bernstein J., Perfiles Cuánticos, McGraw-Hill, 1991,

Born, Bohr, Pauli y otros, Albert Einstein, Philosopher-Scientist, Editor P.A. Schlip, Harper and Brothers, 1951.

Einstein A., Política y Pacifismos, Siglo Veinte, Bs Aires; traducción sin fecha.

Fox K., Keck A., Einstein A to Z, J. Wiley.

Hartman H., Max Placnk, Ullstein Verlag, 1964.

Heisenberg W., Physics and Beyond, Harper Torchbooks, 1972.

Holton G., Heisenberg and Einstein, Physics TODAY, July 2000.

Holton G., The letters of Albert and Mileva, Physics TODAY Sept. 1994.

Jerome F., The Einstein File, St.Martin's Griffin, NYork.(The FBI file is available to anyone viewing the FBI Web site).

Jungk R., Heller als taunsed Sonnen, RoRoRo, 1965.

Rouzé M., Robert Oppenheimer, Fawcett World, 1965.

J.P. Holdren, Science, vol 310 p. 633 (2005).

Scientific American September 2004, dedicado a Einstein.

Stern F., Einstein and Gemany, Physics TODAY, Feb 1986.

The Editors of Scientific American, Einstein = Man of Conscience^2, Sept 2004.

The New Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 18.

Various autores, Caminos Abiertos, Editorial Norma, 1980, Cali.



How to Cite

Valqui, H. (2005). THAT OTHER EINSTEIN. Journal of the Science Faculty @ UNI, 9(2), 6–17. Retrieved from


