
  • Vol. 3 No. 1 (2010)

    After some time and a lot of effort, INIFAUA managed to publish this issue of the magazine "Investigaciones en Ciudad y Arquitectura" with the participation of foreign teachers from different countries and architecture schools. This number and the three subsequent ones are carried out culminating the management of the Dean of the FAUA Mag. Arq. Luis Delgado Galimberti, in them articles are presented whose central focus revolves around the theme of the teaching of architecture that gave rise to the International Congress " 100 Years of Teaching in Architecture" organized by INIFAUA in July 2011 with the participation of prominent teachers and researchers from renowned architecture schools in Latin America and countries such as Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom.

    We are honored to have an article by the renowned Dr. Prof. José Ignacio López Soria, DHCausa of the National University of Engineering, who develops profound philosophical reflections on the meaning of architecture, living and building. In the same way, Dr. David Mc Clean from Scotland, Director of the School of Architecture School The Scott Sutherland School of Architecture & Built Environment of The Robert Gordon University participates, who has an article with the backdrop of the professional context in the United Kingdom characterized by a rapid evolution. Professor Mc Clean analyzes the landscape of contemporary architecture teaching in that country, concentrating on some factors that are the primary agents of reassessment and change in this 21st century and that have international relevance.
    The third article is authored by three architects who make up the teaching team of the Introduction to Architecture Workshop of the Department of Architecture, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María de Chile. They are Raúl Solis F. architect PUCV; Marion Koch, Dipl. Ing. Arch. UdK, Berlin, Magister UdK, Berlin; Michele Berho M., architect UTFSM, Magister Università degli Studi di Ferrara. His article, entitled "The modular system as a learning tool", presents us with an interesting methodology for teaching design at the initial training level of the architect's career. They conceive this initial phase as a fundamental instance in the acquisition of the theoretical conception of the career, as a moment of initiation to the logic and thought used in the training of students, which at the same time must respond to the demands of this new contemporary environment. .
    The fourth article is from Mg. Arch. Patricio Mullins and Arch. Mag. Viviana Colautti, from Argentina, professors at the Faculty of Architecture of the National University of Córdoba, present us with an investigation on the teaching of architecture in a Latin American context, its particularities and challenges.
    The fifth article is authored by the Brazilian professors, Dr. Arg. Mário de Oliveira Saleiro from the Department of Architecture and Urbanism of UFRRJ; and Dr. Arch. Mauro César de Oliveira Santos from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro. They present us in the article "Project for Social Interest Housing" the results obtained in the elective subject called offered to students by the DPA/FAU/UFRI, with the aim of training professionals to work with architecture projects of social interest. His reflections have to do with cultural identity, the search for the spirit of the place and the meaning that the inhabitants themselves attribute to housing in a Latin American context with great urban transformations such as the city of Rio de Janeiro.

  • Vol. 2 No. 1 (2009)

    In the presentation of the first issue, it became clear that the greatest difficulty for sustaining a project like this magazine is the continuity of its publication. This second number is published as a result of an increasingly serious revision and edition in which an attempt has been made to improve production and printing levels.

    The periodicity of a journal like the one we propose depends mainly on the influx of research, master's theses and doctorates from our Faculty professors and graduates from postgraduate studies. Additionally, in some undergraduate research theses, the authors have been invited to write a research-level article.


    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2008)

    Después de muchos esfuerzos nuestro INIFAUA, dirigido por la Mag. Arq. Ivarez Ortega, ha logrado producir una revista de investigación cor articipación de nuestros profesores, nuestros egresados de la maestri rofesores invitados a quienes va nuestro reconocimiento, cumpliendo así con exigencia de la universidad peruana, la investigación, la discusión, y la producción de conocimientos.

    Se trata de constituir un espacio de difusión y discusión académica. Este es un reto que nos hemos planteado en el INIFAUA hace algún tiempo, financiando la investigación de nuestros docentes, la publicación de libros, y ahora publicamos el primer número de nuestra revista de investigación, dirigida a todos aquellos que están involucrados en los temas de arquitectura y del desarrollo de nuestras ciudades.

    Esperamos contribuir a la necesaria polémica que sobre temas de arquitectura y urbanismo requiere nuestro medio para el desarrollo cultural, por ende para el desarrollo de nuestra sociedad, cumpliendo así con la visión de nuestra facultad.

    "Somos una facultad reconocida por el liderazgo en investigación científica, con posicionamiento a nivel nacional e internacional, participe del proceso de cambio, innovación y desarrollo en la planificación urbana y regional, el urbanismo, la arquitectura y las artes, participando activa y comprometidamente en el desarrollo sustentable".

    Maq. Arq Luis Soldevilla del Prado

    Decano FAUA