Lima Pilot Plan (1949). Historical significance


  • Robinson Constantino Ortiz Agama Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Perú.


Modern city, city functionalism, racionalist city, master plan, plan, pilot plan, regulatory plan, planning, modern planning, urban, modern urbanism, town planning, urban modern


The Pilot Plan of Lima (1949), is the first comprehensive plan made under the provisions of the Charter of Athens became official in the world. Since Le Corbusier raised the Plan Voisin and published the Charter of Athens (1943) there were many attempts to implement the new way of planning cities. This merit went to the ONPU, management institution created by Arch. Fernando Belaúnde and directed by the Ing. Luis Dorich, who first assignment was the development of the Regulatory Plan of Lima, which the Pilot Plan of Lima was the first stage and proposing the city model. This plan had the advice of J.L. Sert, P.L. Wiener and E.N. Rogers.
In this document the limits of growth of the city is proposed, the future metropolis Lima-Callao is articulated by a perimeter road and an inner frame. The Centre of Lima is proposed as a kind of Plan Voisin ' «marinated" or creole version, including tabula rasa. Its big omissions were the sea, river and migrants, facts come to configure a different plan to Lima.
The PPL left a deep mark on the city especially in the road structure. Pilot Plan of Lima is a landmark of international modern planning.


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