About the Journal

The Journal "Investigaciones en ciudad & Arquitectura" is the biannual publication of INIFAUA, it disseminates research and opinion articles related to urban planning, architecture and disciplines related to the development of the city. The articles summarize the investigations carried out and in progress that INIFAUA promotes; also those essays and research reports that we receive from national and international academic communities. All papers are subject to review and evaluation by line of research and specialty (refereeing). The external evaluators recommend the publication or non-publication of the submitted papers, issue a report indicating whether the submission requirements have been met (see information for authors) and whether changes or corrections are necessary. The author will be notified to make the suggested changes; evaluators review only once. In all cases, the external evaluators will make a report, positive or negative, which will be sent to the author by INIFAUA. The pre-selection of articles has a period of six months. The professionals who evaluate the articles do so individually and free of charge, in no case do they know the authorship of the reviewed report. If you are interested in being an external evaluator, please send your complete resume clearly indicating your academic interests, research fields and the languages you speak to inifaua@uni.edu.pe.