Children and the city - City's children. The 'expert opinion' of children on the social green: the 'missing link' in the experience of citizen participation


  • Waltraud Mullauer-Seichter Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Lima, Perú.


Utopias, planning, city, urban plan


This text deals with the experience of letting children and adolescents participate in the evaluation of the locations that are important to them in their everyday lives as well as the significance this "experts' opinion" will have in the decision making process in the scope of the so-called citizen's survey. Within the two fundamental points for development, these being the social and economic dimensions as well as the conservation and management of resources, children today are to be responsible for taking care of the earth, especially when you consider that they already represent approximately half of the population in many emerging countries. This is reason enough to involve them as much as possible in the opinion forming process in order to train them for the role they will have within society in the future.


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