Type of Publications
The journal DEVENIR publishes the following modalities:
- Research Articles, represents a significant and original contribution in the field of knowledge that the journal deals with. Therefore, it must be supported by the systematic presentation of the procedures and final or partial results of a personal research, or of collective authorship. The articles are submitted to arbitration by academic peers. The length must be between 6000 and 8000 words, in which the abstract, image captions, tables, figures, and bibliographic references will not be counted.
- Case study article, exposes results derived from the study of one or several cases considered as a specific experience referred to one of the fields of knowledge that the journal deals with. It is not essential that the article refers to an extensive presentation of a conceptual or theoretical framework. The articles are submitted to arbitration by academic peers. The length must be between 6000 and 8000 words, in which the summary, abstract, image captions, tables, figures, and bibliographic references will not be counted.
In addition, in both cases it is recommended that:
- The abstract should not be less than 150, nor exceed 200 words.
- The CV of each author should be between 50 and 120 words.
- The title of the article, abstract and key words (03 minimum), must be submitted in Spanish and English.
The other formats that do not contemplate an article are the following:
- In memoriam, Describes, analyzes and historically values the trajectory, significance and academic and/or professional contributions of the deceased person chosen to be remembered in one of the fields of built heritage. Length: Maximum 800 words.
- Bibliographic review, Describes, analyzes and critically evaluates the content, meaning and contributions of the publication chosen for this purpose in relation to one of the fields covered by the journal. Maximum length of 800 words, the cover of the book being reviewed must be submitted.
- Interview, Transcription of an interview with a personality whose merits or particular performance justify it, depending on the topics covered by the journal. The topic addressed must be current and/or of interest to the scientific community of the area, discipline or line of research addressed. The articles must be original, not published or proposed for that purpose to any other printed, virtual or other support. With a maximum length of 2500 words, a photo of the person being interviewed must be included with the indicated copyright.