Built heritage of chinese immigration in Historical Center of Lima





Built heritage, Historical Center of Lima, Chinese immigration


The article reflects on the consideration of the built heritage of the Chinese immigration in histori- cal center of Lima. For this, the relationship between heritage subjects and built heritage has been studied taking as reference the new positions on heritage. The investigation presents fourteen cases, grouped as: (i)a monumental zone, (ii) a monumental urban space, (iii) ten heritage buildings, and (iv) two landmarks and crosses them with two outlooks: internal and external to verify the existence of the built heritage of Chinese immigration in the Historical Center of Lima.


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Author Biography

Angie Chang Estrada, Estrada

Bachiller en Arquitectura por la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Participante del proyecto “La Ruta de los Patios culturales de Barrios de Altos”. Primer puesto en el Concurso Centro de Investigación Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica (FIM) de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (2018), Mención Honrosa en el Concurso Plaza de las Artes Fundación Banco de la Nación con Balarq Consultores (2008). Actualmente se desempeña como Consultora externa en Sistemas integrados de gestión en el rubro de la construcción.     


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How to Cite

Chang Estrada, A. (2020). Built heritage of chinese immigration in Historical Center of Lima. Devenir - Journal of Studies on Built Heritage, 7(14), 155–172. https://doi.org/10.21754/devenir.v7i14.836

