Critique to the intervention in the archaeological site of the Bodega y Quadra house


  • Rolando Arciga Soto



review of heritage, Bodega y Quadra house, intervention


The intervention of the Bodega y Quadra House in the Historic Center of Lima-Perú is the only contemporary case of a site museum in this part of the city where an archaeological site of the colonial era can be observed. The intervention has many key aspects, among which some are particularly salient, such as the political decision of the Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima to create the museum; its favorable location in the heart of the historic city center itself, which is consistent with the preservation or environmental conservation; and the preservation of the relationship between the archeological site and its pieces via the site museum, which is the most appropriate use of the monument as indicated by the theory of objective restoration. This is an intervention of the archaeological area that by and large was respectful of the principles of contemporary scientific restoration.


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Author Biography

Rolando Arciga Soto

Licenciado en arqueología mediante la tesis Secuencia constructiva de las estructuras hidráulicas halladas en la primera cuadra de Jr. Cusco del Centro de Lima en el año 2012, bajo la asesoría del licenciado en arqueología Miguel Pazos Rivera; autor del libro Casa Hacienda Santiago de Punchauca; director del Proyecto de Monitoreo Arqueológico Rutas de Lima, tramo Panamericana Norte; y alumno de la Maestría de Gestión de Patrimonio Cultural de la Unidad de Posgrado de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.


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How to Cite

Arciga Soto, R. (2016). Critique to the intervention in the archaeological site of the Bodega y Quadra house. Devenir - Journal of Studies on Built Heritage, 3(6), 31–48.

