"Structure from Motion" Low-cost alternative for the registration of built heritage


  • Nadia Sánchez Carrión
  • Paulo Shimabukuro Shimabukuro




Built heritage, lifting recorder, surveying and digital recording, Structure from Motion (SfM)


The following article is of applicative and instrumental character and was drawn from the results of a series of architectural projects in which the intervention of buildings considered heritage gave opportunity to look beyond traditional methods and processes for graphical documentation . A methodology was developed that involves using the Visual System software Structure from Motion, from which a three-dimensional model is obtained; through a combination of imaging techniques the graphic documentation and survey of pathological lesions of the building is improved. Two resources were optimized to achieve the viability of the projects: time and budget, both scarce. This led to the proposal of a strategy based on methods that allow optimal performance in the process of graphic documentation, ensuring fidelity in the current representation of the building, and it’s injuries and pathologies.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Carrión, N., & Shimabukuro Shimabukuro, P. (2015). "Structure from Motion" Low-cost alternative for the registration of built heritage. Devenir - Journal of Studies on Built Heritage, 2(4), 150–178. https://doi.org/10.21754/devenir.v2i4.282

