Landscape as built heritage, a consideration towards urban planning


  • Victor Peña Guillén



historic urban landscape, landscape, urban planning


The concept of Cultural Heritage has become a conservation paradigm for those urban landscape components of outstanding cultural and historical value. Since the beginnings of modern era, its definition has experienced a conceptual evolution by incorporating progressively first objects and monuments, then cities and landscapes, and finally human communities (Sonkoly, 2010). Landscape is a term that allows study and understanding of built heritage, because now its meaning integrates the dynamic and complex urban systems. Antrop (2008) stated that landscape has been broadening its significance to become a “field of action for temporal and spatial processes”. Current document integrates built cultural heritage concept from a landscape theoretical approach, and towards its application onto an urban planning scheme. Another approach called Historic Urban Landscape (Unesco, 2011) helps providing an conceptual framework for this task, which is hypothesized as useful for built heritage planning and management at a landscape scale.


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Author Biography

Victor Peña Guillén

Ingeniero agrícola, especialista en arquitectura del paisaje, sistemas de información geográfica y planeamiento. Es egresado de la UNALM. Cursó la Maestría de Renovación Urbana de la UNI y obtuvo el grado de Máster en Arquitectura del Paisaje en la Universidad de Agricultura de Tokio. Es profesor asociado en la UNALM. Realiza trabajos de aplicación práctica referidos a la identificación, descripción y evaluación del paisaje; sus mayores áreas de trabajo son las zonas costeras y las áreas de operaciones mineras en la sierra peruana.


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How to Cite

Peña Guillén, V. (2018). Landscape as built heritage, a consideration towards urban planning. Devenir - Journal of Studies on Built Heritage, 1(2), 59–70.

