Constructive technical assessment of the “Talleres de Bello” railway complex




Heritage, Railways, Antioquia Railway, Cultural interest, Building evaluation


The construction and operation of railroads in Colombia was one of the most significant events for the economic, social and cultural development of the country in the 19th century. This historical milestone took place in the department of Antioquia, where a railroad line of its own was built, improving mobility conditions while at the same time constructing the necessary infrastructure for its operation, such as stations and workshops, in different parts of the route. Although for the Ministry of Culture of the Nation, the railroad stations are of cultural and patrimonial interest of great importance for the nation, this declaration does not directly include the workshops where the necessary maintenance was performed for the correct operation of the railroads. The technical-constructive assessment tries to analyze the "Talleres de Bello" complex from a more holistic perspective, that is, from the general aspects of its operation, and the techniques associated with the constructive typologies of the buildings that comprise the railway complex, in its structure and enclosures, trying to reveal in some way the constructive techniques of the time and the impact it represents for the study of heritage as a mobilizer of technical and technological innovation in architecture, engineering and construction.


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Author Biographies

Ricardo Benavides Uribe, Universidad de San Buenaventura Medellín (Colombia)

Arquitecto Constructor y Magister en Construcción de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL). Actualmente es investigador en temas de construcción y arquitectura adscrito al Grupo de Investigación en Construcción de la UNAL.

Carlos Mejía Barrera, Universidad de San Buenaventura Medellín (Colombia)

Arquitecto y Magister en Construcción de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL). Doctorando en Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Actualmente es investigador y docente en temas de construcción, arquitectura y territorio en la Universidad de San Buenaventura sede Medellín y en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.


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How to Cite

Benavides Uribe, R., & Mejía Barrera, C. (2023). Constructive technical assessment of the “Talleres de Bello” railway complex. Devenir - Journal of Studies on Built Heritage, 10(20), 9–26.

