Matinée, Vermouth and… ¿night? Case study: The Susy cinema of San Juan de Miraflores through its patrimonial subjects (Lima, Peru)




Neighborhood Cinemas, built heritage, heritage values, heritage Scales, San Juan de Miraflores


The objective of this article seeks to understand the formal characteristics, use and symbolic value of the Susy theater cinema, in addition to its contextual relationship, its influence on the social and economic development of the district, also on the recognizable values ​​and the degrees of affinity of the same by the patrimonial subjects involved with the cinema, in order to conclude their inclusion within the sphere of Cultural Heritage.


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How to Cite

Aparicio Ramirez, D. A. (2022). Matinée, Vermouth and… ¿night? Case study: The Susy cinema of San Juan de Miraflores through its patrimonial subjects (Lima, Peru). Devenir - Journal of Studies on Built Heritage, 9(17), 149–174.

