The Theory of the Mixing Of Uses in the Integral Urban Regeneration of Historical Centers (2000-2019)




Mix of uses, integral urban regeneration, historic center


In this article, based on the academic context of the master's degree in urban regeneration, we seek to know the mix of uses framed in the integral urban regeneration of historic centers, where its evolution in these last 19 years is observed from the balance of the literature and theoretical discussion.

In these last two decades, urban regeneration, the development of the mix of uses and the vision of historic centers have accentuated the change from a paradigm of urban character to one that focuses on human development specifically in the socioeconomic aspect, which it is demanding an increasingly comprehensive approach.


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Author Biography

Cristhian Huatuco Jaimes, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (Perú)

Arquitecto por la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (Lima-Perú); Maestría en Regeneración Urbana del Posgrado de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; con experiencia en gestión municipal y regulatorio de proyectos de oficinas y tiendas comerciales.


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How to Cite

Huatuco Jaimes, C. (2021). The Theory of the Mixing Of Uses in the Integral Urban Regeneration of Historical Centers (2000-2019). Devenir - Journal of Studies on Built Heritage, 8(16), 77–94.

