About the Journal

About the Journal



DEVENIR, a journal of studies on built heritage, is open access and is published every six months, aimed at presenting the academic and scientific community and the general public with original and high-quality scientific articles.



Disseminate scientific production in relation to built heritage, allowing authors to disseminate their work and thus support the strengthening of research globally.


Areas of coverage

 The following disciplines are accepted for publication in DEVENIR.

  • Interdisciplinary areas related to all areas of research on built cultural heritage.
  • Architecture
  • Archaeology
  • History



DEVENIR is an open access journal published every six months, aimed at presenting to the academic and scientific community, with the publication of original and high quality articles related to the built cultural heritage, are the result of a research process.



Devenir journal is financed by the Vice-Rector's Office for Research of the National University of Engineering. Therefore, there is no charge to authors to receive articles, process them, and publish them. It is an open access publication, access to its content is free and does not involve any cost.