Arbitration system

Format review

When an article is submitted through the OJS system, the editorial process begins with the review of the application format, which includes.

  • Title of the article in Spanish and English.
  • Number of words in the abstract and
  • Number of words in the development of the article.
  • Keywords (minimum 3), in Spanish and English.
  • Author description and institutional affiliation
  • Image quality
  • Image, table and chart footer.


Evaluation of originality

Then, the evaluation is made through the anti-plagiarism software, URKUND, which determines the level of similar and equal elements present in the application, which have not been correctly referenced and which constitute plagiarism.

This evaluation is independent and rigorous. Based on the report generated by the same software, and if more than ten percent (10%) of similar elements are found within the article, it is suggested to the General Editor that the application be rejected. 

DEVENIR defines plagiarism as the appropriation, presentation as one's own or use of another's intellectual material, without the due recognition of its original source in an explicit way.


Peer review

Once the evaluation stage of originality of the article has been passed, it will be put in evaluation by a blind pair external to the journal's editor, with the double blind peer review modality that implies the anonymity of authors and evaluators.

When the article is assigned for evaluation, the arbitration process will take at least 8 weeks.


Selection of evaluators

The chosen evaluators will be specialists in the subject and of recognized academic prestige (master's or doctorate) in the thematic area of the article, with experience in research and with articles published in Peruvian and foreign scientific journals. Furthermore, they do not belong to the publishing entity of DEVENIR.


Evaluation and opinion

The blind couple will send the Evaluation Form of the article, which will have its verdict on the application, being the following options:

  • Accepted in its current version (after revision by the proofreader).
  • Accepted with slight modifications (the observations/modifications to be made must be indicated with precision and clarity)
  • Not accepted in its current version. It can be re-evaluated after extensive modifications (the observations/modifications to be made must be indicated precisely and clearly).
  • Rejected.

If the opinion of the blind couple on the article is to make some corrections, the author will be responsible for making them, within the time limit established by the Journal (generally two weeks), and must send the written statement by e-mail. If the article is not submitted by the stipulated date, it is not guaranteed to appear in the next issue to be published.

Once the author returns the article with the integrated adjustments, these will be verified and, if necessary, sent again to the author, until the document is purified.