Multidimensional Analyzes to Detect Sport Talent in Athletes with Down Syndrome



Keywords Down athletes, Somatotype, Principal component analysis, Hierarchical classication


In this paper we propose a methodology alternate to the somatotype to classify Down athletes in Peru, since
they appear most alike in respect to this classi cation. A tandem analysis was performed, consisting in Principal
Component Analysis of the ten body measures used for the somatotype, and Hierarchical Classi cation was run
on the distances between athletes on the rst two principal components through minimum variance clustering. A
K-means partitioning was run further to optimize the classi cation. Three groups of measures resulted and six
classes of athletes, whose di erences could be checked via statistics. The results, compared to the somatotype
revealed more useful to identify a suitable training for the athletes to improve both their health conditions and
sport performance.


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How to Cite

Camiz, S., & Rivero, W. (2021). Multidimensional Analyzes to Detect Sport Talent in Athletes with Down Syndrome. REVCIUNI, 18(1), 22–29. Retrieved from


