City and urban imaginaries. Perceptions of teachers and students from a school of architecture and urbanism. Case: School of Architecture. Urbanism and Arts of the National University of Engineering


  • Ana Rosa Cuba Varas Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Perú


Urban Imaginaries, Lifestyles, City, Urban Identity, Lima


This article presents the main results of the research in Urbanism, whose advisor was Dr. Wiley Ludeña Urquizo. For this research, it has been considerated that the comprehensive understanding of the city must go beyond the study of physical spaces and also focus on lifestyles and symbolic constructions that citizens create. Urban imaginaries offer o different way of studying the city, relating it directly to the concepts of culture and urban identity.

The study was conducted with teachers and students of the Faculty of Architecture. Urbanism and Arts of the National University of Engineering, and shows the symbolic constructions of two different generations of citizens who have, and will have, a direct influence in the city of Lima.

The research has two parts, first the reveries and ways to evoke the city, and second ways of using the city of Lima. Therefore, this research provides knowledge about what people dream and fear of their city, supplements the understanding of certain urban phenomena, and determines better decisions in relation toacting in the city.


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